Ensuring The Security Of Your Home With New Locks

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Never Neglect Home or Business Security

No one wants to walk into their home to find their personal belongings missing or walk into their business and find that their cash safe has been broken into. That is why we decided to create a blog dedicated to home and business security. We plan to post many tips on our home and business security blog, such as when to rekey the locks to your business, how to choose the right safe for your home valuables, how to choose the most secure locks for your home, and much more. We are not professional security experts or locksmiths, but everyday people just like you who are invested in keeping our homes and businesses secure. We have learned about locks, keys, and safes through our own personal experiences and lot of reading up on these topics online. We hope hope you can put our security tips to good use.


Ensuring The Security Of Your Home With New Locks

13 January 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Whether you are buying a new home or just want to make your current home safe, rekeying or changing the locks in your home is an excellent place to start. If you have lost keys or are the second owner of your home, the best way to ensure there are no extra keys out there is to change every lock in the house or rekey all the locks so they match and use new keys. 

New Locks For Your Home

The best way to ensure your home is secure is to replace all the locks in the house with new ones. If you are replacing the entry locks, it is a good idea to replace any deadbolts that are in the home at the same time. If you want to make life easier, you can get entry locksets and deadbolt sets that use the same key, so you only need one key to get into your home. 

The downside to only having one key for the home is that if you lose that key, it makes it easier for someone to get in no matter how many locks are secure when you lock the house up. As long as you know who has a key, replacing all the locks and using the same key can be much easier to deal with. 

Fixing a Lock with Damage

If you have high-quality locks in your home, fixing one that is not functioning correctly is possible. Calling a locksmith and having them come out to repair the lock can be expensive, but in some situations, it is a better solution than replacing the lock and having to rekey it to match the locks that are in the home already.

The locksmith will come to your home and repair the lock for you, but they may have to come and look at the lock first so they can get the right parts for the lock and then come back and repair it for you. 

Alternative Locks

You may want to replace damaged locks with new electronic or smart locks to eliminate the need for keys at all. When it comes to electronic locks, the locksmith installing the locks can program them with individual codes so that everyone coming or going from your home has their own code. Changing the codes is quick and easy if there is a need, and often you can get software or a phone app that will track who comes into the home with their code. 

Many of these locks also allow you to lock and unlock the door via an app, and other entrances like the garage door can integrate with the system. If you are interested in replacing the locks in your home with smart locks, talk to a local locksmith about the options for your home. You can also reach out to businesses like All American Locksmith to learn more.